The Lungtest Lab system is a stationary modular device designed by MES Sp. z o.o., intended to perform a full range of pulmonary tests, using computer analysis of the measurements performed.
The Lungtest Lab spirometer is a stationary modular device designed by MES Sp. z o.o., intended to perform a full range of pulmonary tests, using computer analysis of the measurements performed. Modułowa budowa daje możliwość rozbudowania urządzenia do systemów umożliwiających wykonanie pełnej klinicznej diagnostyki w zakresie mechaniki oddychania. Lungtest Lab spirometer performs measurements based on the unique MES DV40 pneumotachographic head patented by MES Sp. z o.o. Low flow resistance, small dead space and low weight create conditions for the patient similar to natural breathing. High accuracy and resistance to interference of the MES DV40 head is ensured by the lack of moving elements, complete insensitivity to moisture and digital flow measurement without air tubes. Sterilization of the entire pneumotachographic head guarantees the examined person full safety during the examination.
Lungtest Lab complies with current ERS/ATS standards and is constantly updated, with the latest software versions being provided free of charge to owners of this system
Spirometer software